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  • Michelle Savage

    Every year we've had protestors at the Norwich Pride Parade waving placards with quotes from the Bible. It can be really upsetting for the people on the Parade. In 2010 members of the Pride Collective stood next to them with rainbow balloons to send a signal to the Parade to ignore the protests, this was our day to feel safe and proud to be ourselves.
  • Michelle Savage

    The poster for Norwich Pride 2010 designed by art student Sammy Bettis. The aim was to capture the excitement of the Pride Parade and capture the diversity and numbers of people who come to Norwich Pride.
  • Michelle Savage

    This was the first time Norwich Pride appeared in the news - a small article in the Advertiser. We hadn't done a press release so it was quite a shock to see it with the word H O M O S E X U A L S spelt out in capitals at the top! The local papers would go on to give us wonderful, accurate, colourful coverage over the years but we cherish this cutting as an example of where Norwich was at before Pride - a time when reporters imagined a "Gay Pride" event would feature HOMOSEXUALS, transvestites and transsexuals parading throughout the city for 2 days!
  • Michelle Savage

    The Norwich Pride banner, created by over 100 people, was finished in time for Pride London! Photo by Shelly Telly.
  • Michelle Savage

    Our wonderful Town Crier David Bullock announces that the Parade will shortly begin. Photo by Ruski.
  • Michelle Savage

    A rainbow-painted Steward photographed by Nick Howlett.
  • Michelle Savage

    Ruski took this photo from the balcony of City Hall. You can see the beautiful Pride Banner made by the Sew Gay Group and featuring over 100 mini-me's on the mini-Pride Parade.
  • Michelle Savage

    International Activist Peter Tatchell came to Norwich Pride in 2011 campaigning for Equal Marriage. Photo by Sonalle.
  • Michelle Savage

    Boudicca on St Peter's St! Photo by Nick Howlett
  • Michelle Savage

    The Pride Parade heads down Theatre St. Photo by Sonalle.
  • Michelle Savage

    Very colourful character called Oozing Gloop on a bike. Photo by Sonalle.
  • Michelle Savage

    Lord Mayor Jenny Lay waves to the Parade from the balcony of City Hall.
  • Michelle Savage

    These men in leather are always a popular sight at Norwich Pride. Photo by Ruski.
  • Michelle Savage

    This is one of the iconic images from Norwich Pride 2011 - very dashing sailor with a rainbow umbrella. Photo by Nick Howlett.
  • Michelle Savage

    Artist Helen-of-Norwich comes up with big ideas each year for Norwich Pride. In 2011 she made a giant rainbow umbrella for the LGBT staff group she represented. Here she is with her umbrealla and international activist Peter Tatchell. Photo by Ruski.
  • Michelle Savage

    The Dead Goats Appreciation Society (DGAS) formed specially to lead the Pride Parade in 2011. Photo by Sonalle.
  • Michelle Savage

    This photo by Sonalle features Caroline Jones who went on to be the chair of Norfolk Association of LGBT and Disabled People and worked with us to ensure that Norwich Pride is accessible as possible.
  • Michelle Savage

    The Parade stretched all the way along Theatre St from Chapelfield Gardens.
  • Michelle Savage

    The police watch the Parade as it makes its way down Theatre St. The original plan was to walk on the pavement but the Parade got so big they did an emergency road closure.
  • Michelle Savage

    Another great banner on the Parade - this time from the Norfolk LGBT Project and BLAH Youth Group
  • Michelle Savage

    There were some great banners on the Parade. This is the WOW one for local support group Women On Women.
  • Michelle Savage

    Steward Stevie was delighted with her new pink cowboy hat for the Pride Parade.
  • Michelle Savage

    The Norwich Samba Band and their dancers created a wonderful, carnival atmosphere on the Pride Parade.
  • Michelle Savage

    Sam looked fantastic in his electric wheelchair on the Parade.
  • Michelle Savage

    Rob was Head Steward and responsible for recruiting and training volunteer stewards to guide the Parade safely through the city. He was really chuffed with how well it went.
  • Michelle Savage

    It was such a happy day! Nobody expected so many people to come on the first Pride Parade. When we did a survey 9 months earlier, lots of people said wouldn't take part as "people might see me" so it was brilliant to see so many out & proud on the day.
  • Michelle Savage

    Around 3000 people came on the first Norwich Pride Parade. Here it is as it reaches the Forum.
  • Ron Fitzhugh

  • Ron Fitzhugh

  • Ron Fitzhugh

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