
Article about the Cycle Parade, 1943


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Copy of article in Chronicle and Echo re Cycle Parade results, 5 July 1943

Trancription of the article:

Hospital Week
"Parade Day Novelties"
Hospital "Pool" is filling up.
During the weekend more and more money has rolled into Northampton Hospital Week "pool" for the £5,000 effort on behalf of the General Hospital.
The novelty cycle parade, organised by Fred Higginson, was one of the big "hits" on Saturday. Hundreds of people cheered the vetrans and freak machines. Colllectors also got busy, and no less than £15 12s. 9d. was raked in.
Riders of the cycles displayed rare skill, for their mounts ranged from a penny-fathing to an "upright" tandem, and even a one wheel contraption. All the machines were made and owne by Mr. Higginson.
Displays were given during the evening at Abington Street, Sheep Street and the Drapery.

Date5 July 1943
RightsNorthampton Chronicle and Echo



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