
Northampton Carnival Parade Programme, 1954, pages 2 and 3


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Page 2 Transcription:

At Abington Park - Carnival Night

Band Concert in the bandstand: 7.15 p.m. approx. - until the arrival of the Parade by the... Salvation Army Northampton Central Band

Dancing around the bandstand: 9 p.m. approx. onwards Music by courtesy of... Jimmy Wooding and his orchestra

Punch and Judy Show (near the Abbey) After presentation of Prizes. By... "Geoff"

On carnival night - live cheerfully and give cheerfully!

Famous for good watches since 1868
Longines Omega Rolex Zenith Cyma Audax
Knight and Son 2 Mercers' Row Phone 702

Page 3 Transcription:

Carnival Queen Tableau
Carnival Queen - Miss Joy Hammond.
Maids of Honour - Miss Eileen Ingram, Miss Dawn Warwick

The very grateful thanks of the Northampton Round Table No. 92, the organisers of the Tableau, are accorded to the following firms and individuals for their generous assistance:-
Dresses, Queen's Robe, Maids of Honour capes, by H. Reemer, Esq., Messrs. Arbee Gowns, Burleigh Road
Shoes by Messrs. Hutton Welted Footwear, Ltd., Vicarage Road, Messrs. John Marlow and Sons, Ltd., St. George's Street, Messrs. Moccasin Shoemakers, Ltd., Moccasin Works
Gloves and Coronets for Maids of Honour by Messrs. Adnitt Bros, Ltd., The Drapery
Nylons by Messrs. Smith and Sons (Northampton) Ltd., 40 St. Giles' Street
Hair Styles by Messrs. Blacketts, Ltd., 25 Gold Street
Flowers by Messrs. Swann's of Towcester, 17 Market Square
Tableaux Materials by Messrs. Travis and Arnold, Ltd.
Costume and Escort by Messrs. Charles Fox, Ltd., Metro Goldwyn and Mayer Pictures, Ltd.
Design by Mr. T. Osborne Robinson
By courtesy of the East Midlands Gas Board the Robes, Dresses, Shoes and accessories to be worn by the Carnival Queen and the Maids of Honour will be displayed in the gas Showrooms, Abington Street, on the 11th. 12th and 14th June.

Church's China Stores
Cut Glass Specialists, Dinner and Tea Sets of the finest finish, Choice Gifts.
Telephone 1082. Established over a century.
11 Parade (Market Square) Northampton

Date20 June 1957
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