
Luton Irish Forum Bulletin, April 2007: St Patrick's Festival Edition


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Luton Irish Forum
April 2007
Special St Patrick’s Festival Edition
The eighth annual St Patrick’s Festival has defiantly been on to remember.
This year’s parade was the most spectacular yet; with new entries including The St Patrick’s Boys Accordion band from Portarlington, The St Patrick’s Brass and Reed Band from Bunnoe Co Cavan, a tractor, a double decker bus, and a pageant of the life of St Patrick including 60 children from St Margret of Scotland junior school dressed as snakes.
Of course their were all the regular favourites including the University pipe band, the Harpenden pipe band, DJ Jim Carway, getting the party going with his music float, various sports clubs from around the town, stilt walkers and of course St Patrick himself.
Once again the forum put on entertainment at the Library Theatre which this year was extended to include a film night ‘The Wind That Shakes The Barley’. On Thursday there was The Duffy Brother supported by Margaret Knight and The Conway Lally School of Dance. Finally the festival finished on a classical note with The London Irish Symphony Orchestra.
The Forum would like to thank everyone who helped to make the festival possible, our volunteers, sponsors and supporters.
Turn the page for more on the festival.

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