
Programme for St Patrick's Festival Launch Event


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Tonight Programme   

8.00pm Doors Open    
8.30pm Official launch of the St Patrick’s Festival 
by the Mayor of Luton Cllr Norris Bullock 
8.40pm Music by “The Individuals”       
9.10pm Traditional Irish dance performance by  
local dance school    
9.30pm Light Buffet         

9.45pm  Music by “The Individuals”  
10.30pm Raffle     
10.45pm Music by “The Individuals   
till close      l
Luton Irish Forum would like to thank all our  
sponsors for their generous support without them 
the festival would not be possible.  
Luton Borough Council, Ryanair   
Ireland West Airport, Knock,  Lloyds TSB, 
The Royal Hotel,  Dion, Ballymore    
  Festival Highlights
Saturday 15th
9am  Pre parade Mass at Our Lady Help
  of Christian, Castle Street
10am  Irish Market all day at St George’s
  Square & Parade Assembles at
  Manor Road
11am  Parade leaves Manor Road.
  Entertainment starts in the Arndale Centre
12noon  Presentation of Shamrock followed         by an afternoon of entertainment        on the main stage, St George’s Square       
Sunday 16th
7.30pm The Duffy Brothers & Gerry Duffy
Tickets £8. Sounds in concert supported by
John Brookes School of Dance & Local
traditional music talent.
St Patrick’s Day
11am-3pm Traditional entertainment
  Smith’s Square in The Arndale
Tuesday 18th
7.30pm  Double feature film night the award
Tickets £5 winning films ‘Once’ &  ‘Hear My Song’
More information and tickets from Luton Irish Forum 01582 720447 or

RightsLuton Irish Forum



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