Alexander De Great


Carnival Conference Feburary 2012

Alexander De Great - This is a Year for Remembering Slavery

Alexander De Great Transcript (Click to read/hide)

Alexander De Great:

So this song is called, ‘This is a Year for Remembering Slavery.’ It was written in 2007 when I heard Mr William Hague pontificating about Wilberforce on Radio 4, what a wonderful chap he was. I thought hang on a minute, there are no other names in there, so this was written.

History seeks to elevate people like Wilberforce
He had the Slave Trade Act abolished we know of course
But give credit to those of the African race 
To Santan [? 0:35] Equiano with no amazing grace

Haiti was the jewel in the Caribbean crown
Napoleon fought L'Ouverture but could not bring him down
And Gustavas Vassa wrote a true slave story
How come it’s an English politician gets the glory

This is a year for remembering slavery, yes it is
The history of Europe that is most unsavoury
Not only politicians but black peoples’ bravery
Is what brought about the ending of slavery

When World War II ended the French liberation 
Was marked by a victory parade for the nation
The ruling powers met and made a decision
Paris would be freed by an all-white division

60% of their army was African
A quarter of a million Algerian and Moroccan
But Churchill and Eisenhower agreed to the plan 
France would not be saved thanks to any black man

This is a year for remembering slavery, yes it is
The history of Europe that is most unsavoury
Not only politicians but black peoples’ bravery
Is what brought about the ending of slavery

In the media a new row has erupted
Showing how young peoples’ views can be corrupted
A rich teenage girl on a reality show 
Expressed her regret that slavery had to go

This is no longer just a matter of class 
When we allow these kinds of comment to pass
You find right thinking people at every level 
Happily improving on the work on the devil

This is a year for remembering slavery, yes it is
The history of Europe that is most unsavoury
Not only politicians but black peoples’ bravery
Is what brought about the ending of slavery

Thank you very much. More later.


Warm, warm thanks to Alexander De Great.

Recording ends 03:55 minutes

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