
Float entered by the 8th Northampton Life Boys. 1954

David Winter provided the following detailed description of the picture he donated:

Photograph was taken by the Northampton Chronicle and Echo in June 1954. 

The picture was taken in Midsummer Meadow- the assembly point for vehicles in that year's Carnival Parade. 
The float was entered by 8th Northampton Life Boys, based at Kingsthorpe Baptist Churxh in High Street. Unfortunately the 8th Company closed in 2001 because of falling membership. 
The themem of the 1954 carnival float was Road Safety. Some of the names I remember are- 
The lady standing- Life Boy Leader Brenda (later she married BB officer Roy Winterbum.
The lady on the lorry- Mrs Marlow, a Life boy helper
Some of the boys- Top, with dark jumper and lanyard- John Osborne. Next to him, above the policeman's helmet- David Winkworth. In the Policeman's Helmet- David Harris. With the big grin to the right of the policeman- ?- Ablett
Front Row- seated- second from the left- John Rouse. Second from right- David Winter!

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