
Desborough Carnival, 1936


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Transcription by Liz Harris:


Caption between two top pictures:

BEWTY AND BEAUTY. – Above are the Bewty Kween and “her” court in the Desborough Hospital Carnival on Saturday.  On the right is Miss Audrey Mason (Kettering Carnival Queen) who took part in the procession, with Miss Hilda Maddison, Desborough (in front of coach), Miss Audrey Summerfield (Kettering) and Miss Betty Rowley (Geddington).

Caption below bottom picture (Queen Mary):

There was almost enough water to float the “Queen Mary” and the model of that liner in the procession, seen through the rain, caught the eye of the judges, who gave it first prize in its class.  The judges are those people just discernible under the “gamp” on the right.


Additional notes on the image by Liz harris, March 2013:

The final selection of carnival photographs, come from a newspaper clipping.  The carnival was in 1936.  Extra detail is known about the “Queen Mary” than is given in the newspaper article.  This was the entry of the Congregational Church Bible Class.  It was built on top of a Morris Oxford car, belonging to Ernie Crick.  The construction took place in the bus garage on Harborough Road, prior to carnival day.  When Ernie came to drive it, his view was very restricted, being limited to straight ahead, and through the portholes.  It was therefore necessary to have helpers call out instructions to him as to which direction to take.  Two gentlemen, wearing raincoats, can be seen on the nearside of the photograph, helping to give directions.  The gentleman on the left, bending, under the “QU” is Mr. Reuben Coe, of Union St, and the gentleman walking behind him is Mr. Harry Crick, brother of the car driver.  Mr. Harold Coe is on the far side of the liner, also walking alongside giving directions.   They were all members of the Bible Class, and due to their involvement, Harold’s son, Ray Coe, managed to get a ride “inside” the Queen Mary, as passenger in the Morris Oxford.  The photograph was taken by the railway goods yard, in Station Road.  The “Queen Mary” tried one voyage too far the following week, when the Bible Class took her to Rothwell, for that carnival.  On the trip home, near to Rothwell football field, the wind proved too much for the structure, and it blew off the top of car.  It had to be “beached” in Rothwell until it could be brought back to Desborough!

RightsUnknown, if you have any further information please contact the archive



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