
Desborough Carnival, 1933

The next two photographs are dated around 1933/4.  The ladies of the Co-op Guild, dressed up as “The Laughing Policeman”.  They were, from the left: Mrs Page, of Gladstone Street; Mrs Martin; Mrs Sarah Freeman; and Mrs Grace Essex.

The car in the second photograph must have been one of the few private vehicles in Desborough at that time.  It belonged to Walter Essex and the photograph was taken outside his home, in Rushton Rd, nearly opposite the Co-op corner stores.  The ladies pictured are Walter’s wife, Florrie, on the right, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mabel Coe, of Union Street, on the left.  The board which has been attached to the bonnet, reads, “GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THE HOSPITAL TODAY”, whilst secured to the roof of the car is a box containing a skittles game, with a sign, “THROW IN YOUR PENNIES”, which was used in the field following the procession.


Written by Liz Harris, March 2013

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