
Northampton Carnival Programme 1958, page 14 and 15


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PAGE 14:


16. Traders’ Decorated Advertisement Get-Up
(from the Borough and County of Northamptonshire) Horse-drawn Vehicle, Car, Van, Lorry, etc.
1st Prize £7 7s.      2nd £5 5s.     3nd £3 3s.
1. Mr Gardener 1858-1958- StaughtonsLtd.
2. Mobile Shop- E. J. Richardson
3. Mr. Moto’s Dream, Northampton on Wheels – Moto Baldet, The Scooter Service Station
4. Wedding Reception – Bryn Caterers- Miss M. Whithey
5. Sentinell Steam Wagon and Fairground Organ- knights of Old Ltd.
6. Ball and Roller Bearings- Pollard Bearings Ltd.
7. Decorated Van- Northampton Scooters- Ltd.
8. Hell Drivers- Mobile Movies
9. Advert- Mr H. Russell Smith
10. Builders & Decorators- C. E. White & Co.
11. Gas Advertisement- East Midlands Gas Board.
17. Traders’ Decorated Advertisement Get-Up
(for Competitors with an address outside of the County of Northamptonshire)  Horse-drawn Vehicle, Car, Van, Lorry, etc.
1st Prize £7 7s.      2nd £5 5s.     3nd £3 3s.
1. Advertisement- W. D. & H. O. Wills, Bristol
2. Advertisement – H .J. Heniz & Co. Ltd.
3. Mitchells & Butlers Ltd. – M & B

18. Groups of any Cycling or Motor Cycling or Motor Scooter Club
(Not less than six in group). Prizes will be awarded for the most attractive displays, the Judges taking into consideration the rider’s costume and the effect produced by the decoration of Cycles and/or Motor Cycles as well as riders.
1st Prize £7 7s.      2nd £5 5s.     3nd £3 3s.
1. Comedy Cycles- Mr F Higginson
19. Nondescript Class.
For Entries not acceptable in any other class (e.g. Boats, Vintage Cars, Decorated Prams, Farm Tractors etc.)
1st Prize £4.      2nd £3.     3nd £2.
1. Pioneers – Weston Favell Youth Club
2. My Fair Lady- W. Clark, G. Civil and A. Civil
3. Farmer Hartnell- Campions Y.F.C.
4. Nita’s Nurseryland- Invalid Tricycle Association (Miss E. Marriott)
5. Oxbridge and Camford Boat Race- C.M. Baucutt and Co.
6. CAMS Express Train – 3918th Air Base Group (SAC)

Go Gay this Carnival Time in your Kitchen
See the latest colours in
Tala Ware, Plastic Goods and Pyrex Ware, Etc.
Come and Look Round
Barnwell’s Hardware Store
50 Abington Street- Northampton
Telephone 2665

PAGE 15:
Special Road Safety Classes
Entries in the four following Classes must represent Road Safety
The Prizes have been awarded by the Town and County Road Safety Committees
20. Individual Walking Get-Up
Children under 15 years of age
1st Prize £2.      2nd £1 10s.     3nd £1.
1. Safety Sandwich- Robert Berrill
2, The Black Spot- Patricia Barford
3. Highway Hints- Linda Barford
21. Decorated Get-up on Cycle
Children Under  15 years of age
1st Prize £2.      2nd £1 10s.     3nd £1.
1. Crash- Keith Barford
23. Decorated Get-up on Cycle
Persons over 15 years of age
1st Prize £3.      2nd £2.     3nd £1.
1. Safety Last- Mr P. G. Oram

Lee & Evans Ltd.
Northampton’s Leading Seed Merchants
Catalogues free on application
5 The Arcade- Northampton
Phone 3032

Bell Fireplaces
Makers of fine Fireplaces for over half a Century
A. Bell & Company Ltd.
Gold Street – Northampton
Telephone 771 (2 lines) 2540

Date19 June 1958



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