
Northampton Carnival Programme 1958, page 2 and 3


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Carnival Parade Officials 1958
President:  John L. Sears
Hon. Secretary: R.C.T.Dyer. Northampton and District Hospitals Guild, 73 St. Giles Street, Phone 3283
Chairman of Executive Committee: W. T. Grose, Esq.
Members of Executive Committee:
Messrs. F. J. Alsop, A.G. Ayris, D. R. Baker, K.H. Farnham, S. G. Hill, J. McIntosh. H. C. Perrin, A. E. Sparrow (Hon. Treasurer, E. F. Tompkins, A. G. Walmsley
Another Northampton Carnival Parade is with is, and for many weeks has been talked about in the town. This year’s Procession will be as spectacular as ever, and is as full of clownship, surprises and attractive tableaux as in previous years. Bands and music of all kinds will, it is hoped, bring enjoyment to many thousands of Northamptonians on Carnival Night.
In return for this spectacle we ask the people of the town to turn up in their thousands and give as generously, and indeed more generously than in previous years. I t is becoming ever more costly to “put on” the Carnival Parade, and it is therefore essential that everyone who watches the Procession should give just that extra copper or two more.
Many deserving organisations and Charitable Bodies within the Borough will be helped as a result of the 1958 Carnival Parade.
Enjoy yourselves on Carnival Night, and let you enjoyment be reflected in what you give.
John L. Sears, President
W. T. Grose, Chairman
R.C.T.Dyer, Hon. Secretary
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Date19 June 1958



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