
Northampton Carnival Programme 1958, page 16

PAGE 16:

Still Very Attractive
The Investment Facilities Offered by

Northampton & Midlands Building Society
Tel No 902
60 Gold St. Northampton
Hot Water Boiler
Automatic Thermostat Control
The AGAMATIC 25/40
-only £29
600 gallons of piping hot water on less than 1 cwt. Od economical, smokeless coke a week
Hot taps everywhere
Hot baths for all
All day, all night
-every day, every night

It’s a wonder-worker, this neat little Agamatic 25/40! Constant burning, day and night, it will heat over 600 gallons of piping hot water on less than a hundred-weight of coke a week. The Agamatic has automatic thermostat control: a foot pedal to open ashpit door: safe low-temperature outer case: dustless riddling: a fuel-saving circular rotating grate. The Agamatic 25/40 boiler is the best behaved ‘baby’ any household can crow over!

(The Agamatic with rustless boiler costs £31.10)
Hire Purchase terms available
Write for a free leaflet or call in at:-
A.R. & W. Cleaver, Ltd
Wood Street. Northampton.

Partners and sponsors