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The Four Ladringlos
And Act of Whirling Thrills!
Sensational and Daring
Acrobatics in Mid-Air
Ladder Balancing, Gyrations in Mid-Air, Looping the Loop, Trapeze-Bar-Revolving Wheel, etc, etc.
A Wonderful Athletic Novelty Act.
Free at Abington Park
Two Show- See Time-Table
Don’t Forget the Carnival Dance
at St. Crispins Hall (Earl Street)
At 8 pm to Midnight on Carnival Day.
Miss Northamptonshire (Miss Grace Baker) Will be there.
The Premier Players
Admission- One Shilling
The Hall is kindly loaned free by Management of the Northampton No. 2 Branch of the Boot and Shoe Union, and the Band Dance Hall.
Staff are kindly giving their services so that every penny goes to the hospital.
Last year’s Dance raised £30 for the Hospital. Come and help achieve an equally magnificent result this year.