> Northamptonshire Carnivals > Gwen Haynes Collection > Northampton Parade Programmes > Northampton Carnival and Joy Day programme, 1937 > Northampton Carnival and Joy Day programme, 1937, page 6
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A new Serma Piano specially manufactured for us by a famous manufacturer fin such large numbers under such advantageous factory conditions, it is impossible to sell it at a price which is frequently asked for instruments of unknown makes.
It is constructed throughout of carefully selected and well-seasoned materials, with iron frame and latest check action.
Cash Price- 27 Guineas
Every instrument guaranteed for 10 years. Delivered anywhere and tuned free for one year. Easy terms agreed.
Who wants to be a technician anyway?
Give me a nice wireless set that is easy to work and won’t go wrong and I’m happy. Life’s a lot too short to worry about supersonic heterodynes, double triodes or sideband splashed- for all I care they might be names of the latest cocktails, I don’t know anything about wireless and I don’t want to. Who wants to be a technician anyway?
Model AD32, Universal Mains £8 5s. 0d. Free demonstrations. Hire Purchase Terms arranged.
Extra Advantages of an H.M.V. Refrigerator.
1. The Silent Circulator, the cooling mechanism, the heart of a refrigerator, which governs its efficiency. Only the H.M.V. Refrigerator has the Silent Circulator, which puts it ahead of all other makes.
2. The Sealed Cold Cooker. No Refrigerator can be efficient without this feature. Standard on all H.M.V Models. The Cold- Cooker makes ice cubes, ice cream and delicious frozen fruits, sweets and salads. This part of the mechanism produces the cold, dry atmosphere essential for the safe food storage.
3. Full-sized food storage space- 3 ¼ cu. Ft.- providing 8 sp. Ft. of shelf area, equal to nearly 11 ft. of 9-inch shelving. The arrangement of the shelves permits the storage of food of all shapes and sizes at a convenient height to obviate stopping.
4. A full-sized upright-pattern refrigerator, with all the beauty of line and proportion characteristic of H.M.V. Models. Nothing affecting appearance has been sacrificed to archive the phenomenally low price.
5. The letters “H.M.V.” stand for “His Master’s Voice”. The “His Master’s Voice” organisation, with a reputation extending over 30 years, undertakes that these refrigerators are as highly specialized a product, as efficient and reliable in their own field, as are “His Master’s Voice” records, gramophones and radio sets.
6. An H.M.V. refrigerator saves money by preventing waste. Perishable food it keeps at its prime. It enables you to make appetising dishes from left-overs. It prevents illness, for many childish “upsets” are caused by food decay. It enables you to make, cheaply, dishes for entertaining that would be expensive to buy.
Price from 20 Guineas
Three Years Guarantee. Free Demonstration.
Fraser Son & Mackenzie Ltd.
32, Abington Street, Northampton.