
'Queens' at the Hospital Fete, 9th June 1969.


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A large crowd of visitors from Northampton and the county attended a garden fete organised by the Friends of Creaton Hospital, held in the hospital grounds.

The fete was opened by Mrs. Shirley Maden, 1968-9 Northampton Carnival Queen, who was accompanied by Miss Marilyn Haisman (Queen-elect). Mrs. Maden was presented with a bouquet by Alison Stanbrook Wallis.

The weather and the setting for the occasion were ideal. Special attractions included a children's fancy dress competition for which there was an ensemble of beauty, ingenuity and comedy. Judges included Mrs. Maden and Miss Haisman.

Awards included: Ages 1 to 5, 1 Jane Walding, 2 Paul Dunkley, 3 Gregory Ansell; 6-12, 1 Brendon Healey, 2 Nicholas Hales; 12-16, 1 Margaret MacLanafferty, 2 Angela Ansell, 3 Trudy Roberts. A Judo display was given by the Northampton Judo Club and women's soccer between hospital nurses and the domestic staff resulted in a 5-3 win for the domestics.

Proceeds were for extra amenities for the patients.


Date9 June 1969
RightsNorthampton Chronicle and Echo



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