NORTHAMPTON Hospital Parade and Carnival Committee will be entitled to nominate three Hospital Governors for the present year and the same number for the Hospital year 1939-40.
This information is conveyed in a letter from Miss K. M. Harlow, secretary of the Hospital, in answer to a request for information contained in the letter which accompanied the Committee's contribution of £2,375 in respect of this year's parade.
Miss Harlow's letter, sent to Mr. Ken Hanning as hon. general secretary of the committee is as follows:-
"Dear Sirs,- Thank you for your letter of the 15th instant enclosing a copy of the accounts to date and a cheque for £1,375 as a result of the Northampton Hospital Parade and Carnival.
"I shall have pleasure in reporting the receipt of this donation at the next meeting of the Board of Management. In the meantime will you kindly accept and convey to all concerned our deepest appreciation and grateful thanks for the work done by your committee for the benefit of the Hospital, as a result of which such a large contribution has been made.
"With regard to the question of representation, at the last meeting of the Court of Governors a resolution was passed that one Governor should be nominated for the first £5 subscribed, a second Governor for the next £100, and further Governors for every succeeding £1,000, and that representation should be based on the past year's contributions. You will thus be entitled to nominate three Governors for the present year which ends on July 31, 1939, and you will then be entitled to nominate three Governors for the year 1939-40.
"The Governors for the 1940-41 depend upon the amount received during the Hospital year 1939-40. I will write to you again with regard to this matter after the meeting of the Board of Management on Tuesday next."
The committee handed the Hospital a cheque for £1,400 last year and it is in respect of this contribution that three Governors can be appointed by the committee for the present Hospital year.