
Record Hospital Parade Collection, 13th May 1917


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The Northampton Hospital Church Parade on Sunday was one of the most imposing and successful in the long succession of these annual demonstrations on behalf of our noble institution for the relief of suffering humanity.
The brilliant weather conduced to a very large attendance; indeed so numerous was the assembly that the accommodation at Kettering-road Primitive Methodist Church was insufficient and not a few were unable to find seats in the building, although many extra chairs were placed in the aisles. A very gratifying circumstance was that the collection amounting to the large sum of £60, was a record for the Hospital Church Parade. It is believed that the previous highest collection was £58, which was taken about 40 years ago at All Saints' Church, and on that occasion the amount included a cheque for £25 sent by the Marquis of Exeter. All concerned are to be heartily congratulated upon the excellent result of Sunday's parade.

The Chief Constable (Mr. F. H. Mardlin) ably carried out the duties of Chief Marshal, and the procession started from the Town Hall in the following order: - The V.T.C. Band, under Bandmaster J. Rogers; 120 Special Constables (who looked very smart in their uniforms), under Commandant H. Barber and Sun-Commandant W.P. Cross; St. John Ambulance Corps, under Supt. W.Y. Groves; the Boys' Brigade, under Lieut. F. Hutchings; the Girls' Life Brigade, under Captain Wilkes. Then followed representatives of the following Societies:- Commercial Travellers' Association, Private Fire Brigades' Association, Town and County Benefit Building Society, Band of Hope Union, Sunday School Union, National Lifeboat Institution, Butchers' Association, Bakers' Association, Whitworth-road Club, Terriers' Social Club, Friendly Societies' Club and Institute, Vocal and Instrumental Club, Licenced Trades' Association, Conservative Association, Liberal and Radical Association, St. James' Liberal Association, Northampton Men's Own, Chamber of Trade, Blind Association, Cycle Parade Committee, Allied War Fund, Hospital Week Committee, Y.M.C.A., N.U.O. Free Gardeners Orange Blossom, snowdrop, Rose in June, Moss Rose, White Rose, and St. Katharine's Lodges; Manchester Unity of Oddfellows - Lady Manfield, Perseverance, Good Intent. LoyalTrue Briton, and Loyal Victoria Lodges; Nottingham Order of Oddfellows Provincial Grand Lodge and Lily of the Valley Lodge; Ancient Order of Foresters - Courts Centre of England, Pride of the Swan, Forest Oak, United Brothers, British Banner, Prince Alfred, Good Intent, Future Hope Juvenile Committee and Amalgamated Representative Committee; East and South Districts of the National Deposit; Protector and Kirkwood Rechabite Tents; Good Templars - Pionneer, Frederic Shaw, Lifeboat, and Excelsior Lodges; Hearts of Oak Society; Rational Association, National Union of Railwaymen; Medical Institute; Friendly Societies' Council; Kingsthorpe Church Parade Committee; Municipal Employees; Boot Retailers' Association; and Amalgamated Society of Engineers.

Corporation Banners.
Town Clerk (Mr. Herbert Hankinson) and Borough Treasurer (Mr. Percy page).
Borough Accountant (Mr. W.J. Hull).
The Mayor's Sergeant (Mr. C. Mobbs), bearing the Mace;
HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR (Councillor John Woods),
Accompanied by the Ex-Mayor (Coun. J.E. Pearse) and the Rev. J.H. Saxton.
Sir Henry Randall, J.P., Mr. g.M. Tebbutt, J.P.
Coun. H. Butterfield, J.P., Ald. S.S. Campion, J.P.
Mr. J. Webb, J.P., Mr. Flinton Harris, J.P.
Coun. F. C.  Parker, Coun. D.P. Taylor.
Ald. G. Timms, Coun. J.J. Martin.
Coun. J. G. Cowling, Coun. W. Heap.
Coun. W. Smith, Coun. F.T. Trenery, Ald. E.W. Sykes, Coun. A.E. Catt.
Ald. G.S. Whiting, Coun. F. Kilby.

Members of the Board of Guardians - Mr. W.D. Smith (Chairman) and Mr. T.R. Hadley were in the procession, and among the congregation were the Mayoress (Mrs. Joan Woods), Mrs. F.C. Parker, Mrs. Swan, Mrs. Compton James, Mrs. E.C. Ashford, and Mrs. Stevenson.

Hospital Governors - Mr. H. Ager, Mr. Edmund Barrett, Mr. R.L. Capell, Mr. R.J.H. Cole, Mr. J.H.C. Crockett, Mr. A.T. Evans, Mr. W.B. Harris, Mr. J. Longworth, Mr. G.E. Mawby, Mr. J. Mills, Mr. Robert Roberts, Mr. T. Sargent, Mr. George Swan, Mr. R.S. Tucker, and Mr. R. Wiggins, with Mr. C.S. Risbee (Secretary Superintendent).
Mr. W. Arnold, Mr. T. Singlehurst, and Mr. W. Pearce walked in the procession representing Kettering Road P.M. Church.

Date13 May 1917



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