
Third Time Lucky For Carnival Queen Contestant, 15th May 1957


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It was a case of third time proving lucky for 21-year-old Mrs. Brenda Haycock last night.

She was chosen as Northampton's Carnival Queen, the third time she has entered the competition.

Mrs. Haycock, a pattern-cutter lives at 2, Arnold-road, Northampton, and has been married for 14 months.

Picked as her maids-of-honour were Miss Delia Desponds (17), shop assistant, of 63 Wood-street, Northampton, and Miss Sheila Clarke (17), typist, of 2, Randall-road, Northampton. The "reserve" was Miss Audrey Dascomble (20), shorthand typist, of 27, Eskdale-avenue, Northampton.


The 39 contestants, a record post-war entry, were judged on their beauty, deportment, general grooming and speech.

The panel of judges was Mr and Mrs. W. T. Grose, Mr. and Mrs. K. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Dorricott, Miss M. E. Coombe (matron, Northampton general Hospital), Mr. J. Hesketh, Mrs. H. Palmer, and Councillor e. F. Tompkins.

Mr. Grose, chairman of the carnival committee, thanked the firms who had given prizes and all those connceted with the carnival.

The event was held at the nurses' home, Northampton General Hospital.

Date15 May 1957
RightsNorthampton Chronicle and Echo



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